Buddy Thompson
Marine, Uncle, Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Brother, Former Running Back, & Oiler Fan

Last season Buddy, a former Marine, set the standard for loyalty, toughness, and devotion by being in the stands a mere 8 days after major back surgery.
Thoughts and prayers go out to legendary Oiler fan Robert "Buddy" Thompson, who has been hospitalized much of the last four months. The Oilers ask that you keep Bud in your prayers as he battles to regain his strength and health so he can get back to the stands throughout the EFL so he can cheer on his Oilers and his toughest nephew (T.D., an Oiler co-captain, who considers Buddy the standard setter for toughness).
Buddy's toughness and bravery was on display at a very early age. For example as a young boy, without flinching he dove through the cracked ice of a frozen Charles River to rescue his brother Zipper who had fallen through after the brothers were returning on their bikes from a hockey game. In a true display of bravery, Buddy searched under the ice in the frozen water until he found and rescued his brother (who went on to be the greatest running back in Brown University history, and a member of the Brown Athletic hall of Fame). A few years later Buddy without hesitation ran into a burning house and rescued members of his family who were trapped.
Later in life, Buddy continued to display his bravery, unselfishness, and patriotism by serving in the US Marine Corps.
The entire Oiler community wishes Buddy a speedy recovery.
We look forward to seeing Buddy at Oiler games again this summer and fall, and for many more seasons to come!!!
Buddy is a proud former member of the US Marines
Buddy, back when as a running back he was personally wreaking havoc on football defenses.
Buddy in November 2010, along with his wife Jeanne, and family as he attended the induction of his younger brother Peter into the Newton North Athletic Hall of Fame. In his induction speech Peter paid special homage to his brother Buddy's tenacity on the football field and heroics on and off the field.

At his nephew T.D.'s wedding in 2008
With his brother Zipper and sister Barbetta