Peter O'Kane Appreciation Night

On February 5th 2016 hundreds gathered to show their love, appreciation, and respect for Peter O'Kane in what was truly a special night.
For over 40 years Peter O'Kane selflessly contributed to the community by overseeing, with his wife Marge, the Randolph Oilers.
The O'Kanes / Oilers gave hundreds and hundreds of young men the chance to play football in a competitive environment. The Oilers were an integral part of the Randolph community. Families would spend summer nights cheering on their local team as they battled other teams from throughout the EFL. Thousands of bonds and friendships were formed amongst the players, coaches, fans, families, sponsors, volunteers, etc.
The Oilers truly were a family and an incredibly unique organization. The players saying is "O4L- Oilers for life" which is indicative of the way Peter and Marge constantly welcomed new members to the Oilers family, and how a special bond would form between the players and team.
And on 2/5/16 the hundreds who attended were able to at least scratch the surface in showing Peter and Marge how much we appreciate everything they have done for each and every one of us and how much they have touched us with their generosity, love, classiness, and loyalty.