Oiler Patriarchs - Peter & Marge O'Kane
The founders, and the heart and soul of the Oilers are Pete and Marge O'Kane. For over 30 years Pete and Marge have worked tirelessly to keep the Oilers organization flourishing and to give young men a chance to play football and to give them an extended family. Always humble, Pete and Marge will deflect the credit to the coaches, countless, volunteers, and to the players, but the bottom line is without Pete and Marge there would be no Oilers. They have created a lasting tradition of excellence, class, and family values. When the Oiler players take the field in the blue and gold they do so knowing they represent the O'Kanes and all the integrity and heart that they stand for.
More pictures of the O'Kanes: click here.

Marge and Pete O'Kane handing out awards to some of the Oilers named to the 2009 EFL All Star team
Once an Oiler, Always an Oiler
Being an Oiler doesn't end when you hang up the cleats (unless you have gone on to play for Clinton or Charlestown). When we say "Oilers 4 Life"- we mean it. Please click on the links below to see pictures of some of the players and coaches who have taken the field for the Oilers in the past.
Pictures of FORMER PLAYERS....click here. Pictures of FORMER COACHES....click here.
Oiler Waterboys
The Oilers are luckyto have the best, and most loyal waterboys in the entire EFL. Thank you lil' dudes for all your hard work!!!!
More Waterboy pics...
2011 Waterboys....
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Loyal Fans
The Oilers are fortunate to have some of the best and most loyal fans in the EFL. We'd like to use this space to acknowledge as many fans as possible, but we need your help. If you would like to have a loyal fan recognized on the website, please e-mail us (randolphoilers@gmail.com). Here are some of our favorite fans:
The Oilers Official #1 Fan: Lynda Lockhart
Click HERE for more pictures of Loyal Fans.
Our Friends from the VFW
An important part of the Oiler Family are our friends at the Randolph VFW who are kind enough to share their home with the Oilers several nights per week.

Our friend Skip
More pics....
Future Oilers
Oiler games are a family affair and we love to have our little friends at the game cheering. More....

DE Chris Oates Tyler Smith attends his 1st
and his son Oilers game
Brooks Payne and his son
_______________________________________ Oiler Homegame Motorcade
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Oiler Volunteers
The Oiler organization is fortunate to have the support of many volunteers who generously donate their time to make gameday possible.
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Oiler Trainers
Over the years the Oiler players have been fortunate to be treated by an excellent group of trainers. More pictures coming soon...
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